Gospel Meeting Feb 14, 2021
Gospel Feb 14 2021 (Joe Potter telling how he was saved followed by Murray McCandless preaching)
Days Meeting 2020
Gospel December 8, 2019
Ministry Michael Penfold
Ministry Oct 29, 2019 The Assembly
Ministry Oct 30, 2019 The Family
Ministry Oct 31, 2019 Seperation
Ministry Oct 27, 2019
Gospel Oct 27, 2019
Gospel Tim McCandless
Gospel Allen McCandless
Gospel May 26, 2019
Why do bad things happen to good people? JoeP
Gospel April 28, 2019
Gospel Tim Lyons
Gospel Tyler Gillcash
Ministry April 28, 2019
Gospel Sunday March 31, 2019:
Carter McCandless
Murray McCandless
Ministry March 31, 2019:
Ministry March 17, 2019:
Ministry duncanB March 17 2019
Ministry Feb 10, 2019:
Gospel Sunday December 9, 2018:
Gospel Sunday November 4, 2018:
David Beckett
Normand Thibodeau
Shad Kember speaking in Ministry Thursday, Sept 27, 2018, 2018:
Sussex Conference Saturday Morning Sept 29, 2018:
Scott MacLeod
Brody Thibodeau
David Hierlihy
Sussex Conference Saturday Afternoon Sept 29, 2018:
Shad Kember
Frank Sona
John Meekin
Sussex Conference Saturday Night Gospel Sept 29, 2018:
Sussex Conference Sunday Morning after Breaking of Bread Sept 30, 2018:
Sussex Conference Sunday Afternoon Sept 30, 2018:
Matthew Cain
Ken Turkington
Frank Sona
Shad Kember
Sussex Conference Sunday Night Gospel Sept 30, 2018:
Gospel Sunday Sept 23, 2018:
Gospel Sunday Sept 16, 2018:
Ministry Thursday July 19, 2018:
Frank Sona speaking in ministry: Frank Sona, July 19, 2018
MP3 Format:Frank Sona, July 19, 2018
Ministry Friday July 20, 2018:
Frank Sona speaking in ministry: Frank Sona, July 20, 2018
MP3 Format: Frank Sona, July 20, 2018
Ministry Thursday July 19, 2018:
Frank Sona speaking in ministry: Frank Sona, July 19, 2018
MP3 Format:Frank Sona, July 19, 2018
Ministry Wednesday July 18, 2018:
Frank Sona speaking in ministry: Frank Sona, July 18, 2018
MP3 Format: Frank Sona, July 18, 2018
Ministry Monday July 16, 2018:
Frank Sona speaking in ministry: Frank Sona, July 16, 2018
MP3 Format:Frank Sona, July 16, 2018
Ministry Sunday July 15, 2018:
Frank Sona speaking in ministry: Frank Sona, July 15, 2018
MP3 Format:Frank Sona, July 15, 2018
Gospel June 24, 2018:
Matthew Cain speaking in ministry: Matthew Cain, June 24, 2018
Gospel June 24, 2018:
Tim McCandless preaching the gospel: Tim McCandless, June 24, 2018
Matthew Cain the gospel: Matthew Cain June 24, 2018
Gospel June 17, 2018:
Mark Miner preaching the gospel: Mark Miner, June 17, 2018
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: Murray McCandless June 17, 2018
Gospel April 22, 2018:
Allen McCandless preaching the gospel: Allen McCandless, April 22, 2018
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: Murray McCandless April 22, 2018
Gospel April 15, 2018:
Trevor McClelland preaching the gospel: Trevor McClelland April 15, 2018
Joe Potter preaching the gospel: Joe Potter, April 15, 2018
Gospel March 18, 2018:
Allen McCandless preaching the gospel: Allen McCandless, March 18, 2018
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: Murray McCandless March 18, 2018
Gospel March 11, 2018:
Joe Potter preaching the gospel: Joe Potter, March 11, 2018
Trevor McClelland preaching the gospel: Trevor McClelland March 11, 2018
Gospel February 25, 2018:
Shawn Price preaching the gospel: Shawn Price February 25, 2018
Paul Potter preaching the gospel: Paul Potter February 25, 2018
Ministry Feb 25, 2018:
Trevor McClelland speaking in ministry: Trevor McClelland February 25, 2018
Days Meeting January 28, 2018:
Afternoon Ministry:
Murray McCandless
Jon Procopio
David Hierlihy
John Meekin
Gospel Meeting:
Jon Procopio
John Meekin
Gospel January 21, 2018:
Tim McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel TimM January 21, 2018
David Beckett preaching the gospel: Gospel DavidB January 21, 2018
Gospel January 7, 2018:
Rick Cormier preaching the gospel: Gospel RickC January 7, 2018
Joe Potter preaching the gospel: Gospel JoeP January 7, 2018
Ministry Nov 26, 2017:
Jim Stuart speaking in ministry: Ministry JimS Nov 26 2017
Gospel Nov 19, 2017:
Shad Amero telling how he was saved: Gospel ShadA Nov 19 2017
Allen McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel AllenM Nov 19 2017
Gospel Nov 5, 2017:
Richard Cormier preaching the gospel: RichardC Nov 5 2017
Jim Stuart preaching the gospel: Gospel JimS Nov 5 2017
Gospel Oct 29, 2017:
Trevor McClelland preaching the gospel: Gospel TrevorM Oct 29 2017
Joe Potter preaching the gospel: Gospel JoeP Oct 29 2017
Gospel Oct 22, 2017:
Dieter Ruebeling telling how he was saved: Gospel DeiterR Oct 22 2017
David Beckett preaching the gospel: Gospel DavidB Oct 22 2017
Gospel Oct 15, 2017:
Tyler Gillcash telling how he was saved: Gospel TylerG Oct 15 2017
Tim McCandless preaching the gospel:Gospel TimM Oct 15 2017
Ministry Sept 24, 2017:
Tim McCandless speaking in ministry: Ministry TimM Sept 24 2017
Gospel Meeting Sept 3, 2017
Kyle Rodgers telling how he was saved: Gospel Kyle Rodgers Sept 3 2017
Richard Cormier telling how he was saved: Gospel RickC Sept 3 2017
Gospel Meeting April 23, 2016
Dieter Rubeling preaching the gospel: Gospel DeiterR April 23 2017
David Beckett preaching the gospel: Gospel DavidB April 23 2017
Sussex Conference 2016:
David Hierlihy speaking in ministry: ministry-davidh-saturday
Matthew Cain speaking in ministry: ministry-mattc
Phil Coulson speaking in ministry: ministry-phil-coulson-saturday
Michael Penfold speaking in ministry: ministry-michaelp-saturday
Eric Fowler speaking in mininstry: ministry-eric-fowler
Jon Procopio speaking in gospel: gospel-jonp
Phil Coulson speaking in gospel: gospel-phil-coulson
John Meeking speaking in ministry: ministry-john-meekin
Jon Procopio speaking in ministry: ministry-jonp
Phil Coulson speaking in ministry on Sunday: ministry-sunday-phil-coulson
Michael Penfold speaking in ministry on Sunday: ministry-michaelp-sunday
Gospel Aug 14, 2016:
Joseph Potter preaching the gospel: gospel-joep-aug-14-2016
Del Brittan preaching the gospel: gospel-del-brittan-aug-14-2016
Gospel June 26, 2016:
Normand Thibodeau preaching the gospel: gospel-normt-june26-2016
Jeremy Brittan preaching the gospel: gospel-jeremyb-june-26-2016
Gospel June 19, 2016:
Matt Reid telling how he was saved: gospel-mattr-jun19-2016
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: gospel-murraym-june-19-2016
Gospel May 29, 2016:
Allen McCandless preaching the gospel: gospel-allenm-may29-2016
Trevor McClelland preaching the gospel: gospel-trevorm-may29-2016
Gospel Feb 21, 2016:
Shad Amero telling how he was saved: gospel-shad-amero-feb-21-2016
Joel Amero telling how he was saved: gospel-joel-amero-feb-21-2016
Gospel Feb 17, 2016:
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: gospel-murraym-feb-17-2016
Joseph Chung preaching the gospel (Korean): gospel-joseph-chung-korean-feb-17-2016
Gospel Feb 14, 2016:
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: gospel-murraym-feb-14-2016
Joseph Chung preaching in Korean: gospel-joseph-chung-korean-feb-14-2016
Ministry Feb 14, 2016:
Joseph Chung speaking in ministry: ministry-joseph-chung-feb-14-2016
Gospel Feb 11, 2016:
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: gospel-murraym-feb-11-2016
Joseph Chung preaching in Korean: gospel-joseph-chung-korean-feb-11-2016
Gospel Feb 7, 2016:
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: gospel-murraym-feb-7-2016
Joseph Chung preaching the gospel: gospel-joseph-chung-feb-7-2016
Ministry Feb 7, 2016:
Joseph Chung speaking in ministry: ministry-joseph-chung-feb-7-2016
Gospel Feb 4, 2016:
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: gospel-murraym-feb-4-2016
John Meekin preaching the gospel: gospel-johnm-feb-4-2016
Gospel January 28, 2016:
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: gospel-murraym-jan-28-2016
James McClelland preaching the gospel: gospel-jamesm-jan-28-2016
Gospel January 17, 2016:
Trevor McClelland preaching the gospel: gospel-trevorm-jan-17-2016
Joseph Potter preaching the gospel: gospel-joep-jan-17-2016
Gospel January 10, 2016:
Allen McCandless preaching the gospel: gospel-allenm-jan-10-2016
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: gospel-murraym-jan-10-2016
Gospel Nov 15, 2015:
David Beckett preaching the gospel: gospel-davidb-nov-15-2015
Jim MacIntosh preaching the gospel: gospel-jimm-nov-15-2015
Gospel Nov 8, 2015:
Tyler Gillcash preaching the gospel: gospel-tylerg-nov-8-2015
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: gospel-murraym-nov-8-2015
Gospel Nov 1, 2015:
Lukas McKnight preaching the gospel: gospel-lukasm-nov-1-2015
Tim McCandless preaching the gospel: gospel-timm-nov-1-2015
Gospel Oct 18, 2015:
Trevor McCelland preaching the gospel: gospel-trevorm-oct-18-2015
Allen McCandless preaching the gospel: gospel-allenm-oct-18-2015
Gospel Sept 27, 2015
Tyler Gillcash preaching the gospel: gospel-tylerg-sept-27-2015
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: gospel-murraym-sept-27-2015
Ministry Sept 27, 2015:
David Beckett speaking in ministry: ministry-davidb-sept-27-2015
Gospel Aug 16, 2015:
Jeremy Brittan preaching the gospel: gospel-jeremyb-aug-16-2015
Mark Carlisle preaching the gospel: gospel-markc-aug-16-2015
Gospel Aug 2, 2015:
Matt Reid preaching the gospel: gospel-mattr-aug-2-2015
David McCelland preaching the gospel: gospel-davidm-aug-2-2015
Gospel June 14, 2015:
Kurt Stewart preaching the gospel: gospel-kurts-june-14-2015
Water Gustafson preaching the gospel: gospel-walterg-june-14-2015
Ministry June 14, 2015:
Walter Gustafson speaking in ministry: ministry-walterg-july-14-2015
Gospel May 31, 2015:
Paul Potter preaching the gospel: gospel-paulp-may-31-2015
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: gospel-murray-mcc-may-31-2015
Ministry May 31, 2015:
Normand Thibodeau speaking in ministry: ministry-normt-may-31-2015
Gospel May 10, 2015:
Allen McCandless preaching the gospel: gospel-allenm-may-10-2015
Tyler Gillcash preaching the gospel: gospel-tylerg-may-10-2015
Gospel April 26, 2015:
Joseph Potter preaching the gospel: gospel-joep-april-26-2015
Trevor McClelland preaching the gospel: gospel-trevorm-apr-26-2015
Ministry April 26, 2015:
Allen McCandless speaking in ministry: ministry-allenm-apr-26-2015
Gospel April 19, 2015:
Jeremy Brittan preaching the gospel: gospel-jeremyb-april-19-2015
Normand Thibodeau preaching the gospel: gospel-normandt-april-19-205
Gospel April 12, 2015:
Lukas McKnight preaching the gospel: gospel-lukasm-apr-12-2015
Jim MacIntosh preaching the gospel: gospel-jim-mac-apr-12-2015
Gospel March 29, 2015:
Allen McCandless preaching the gospel: gospel-allen-mcc-march-29-2015
Joseph Potter preaching the gospel: gospel-joep-march-29-2015
Ministry March 29, 2015:
Trevor McClelland speaking in ministry: ministry-trevorm-march-29-2015
Gospel Mar 22, 2015:
Trevor McCellland preaching the gospel: gospel-trevorm-mar-22-2015
Gospel Feb 22, 2015:
Richard Cormier preaching the gospel: gospel-richc-feb-22-2015
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: gospel-murraym-feb-22-2015
Ministry Feb 19, 2015:
Dan Harvey speaking in ministry: ministry-danh-feb-20-2015
Gospel Meeting January 25, 2015:
John Meeking preaching the gospel: gospel-johnm-jan25-2015
Jon Procopio preaching the gospel: gospel-jonp-jan-25-2015
Days Meeting 2015 Ministry:
Brody Thibodeau: daysmtg-brodyt-2015
John Meekin: daymtg-johnm-2015
David Hierlihy: daysmtg-davidh-2015
Jon Procopio: daysmtg-jonp-2015
Gospel Jan 18, 2015:
David Beckett preaching the gospel: gospel-davidb-jan-18-2015
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: gospel-murray-mcc-jan-18-2015
Gospel Jan 11, 2015:
Tyler Gillcash preaching the gospel: gospel-tylerg-jan-11-2015
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: gospel-murray-mcc-jan-11-2015
Gospel Dec 7, 2014:
Stirling Boulter preaching the gospel: gospel-stirlingb-dec-7-2014
Tim McCandless preaching the gospel: gospel-timm-dec-7-2014
Gospel Nov 16, 2014:
David Hunt preaching the gospel: gospel-davidh-nov-16-2014
Brody Thibodeau preaching the gospel: gospel-brodyt-nov-16-2014
Gospel Nov 9, 2014:
Brody Thibodeau preaching the gospel: gospel-brodyt-nov-9-2014
David Hunt preaching the gospel: gospel-davidh-nov-9-2014
Gospel Oct 14, 2014:
Brody Thibodeau preaching the gospel: gospel-brodyt-oct-14-2014
David Hunt preaching the gospel: gospel-davidh-oct-14-2014
Ministry Thursday, October 9, 2014:
Duncan Beckett speaking in ministry: ministry-duncanb-oct-9-2014
Sussex Conference Prayer Meeting:
John Meekin speaking in ministry: ministry-johnm-prayersussexconf-2014
Gospel Sept 21, 2014:
Duncan Beckett preaching the gospel: gospel-duncanb-sept-21-2014
Murray Mcleod preaching the gospel: gosel-murray-mcleod-sept-21-2014
Gospel Sept 7, 2014:
Jeremy Brittan telling how he was saved: gospel-jeremyb-sept7-2014
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: gospel-murraym-sept7-2014
Gospel Aug 10, 2014:
Tim Levy telling how he was saved: gospel-timl-aug-10-2014
Normand Thibodeau preaching the gospel: gospel-normt-aug-10-2014
Gospel July 20, 2014:
Cameron Sluiter preaching the gospel: gospel-camerons-july-20-2014
Joseph Potter preaching the gospel: gospel-joep-july-20-2014
Gospel July 6, 2014:
Isaac Harvey telling how he was saved: gospel-isaach-july-6-2014
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: gospel-murraym-july-6-2014
Gospel June 22, 2014:
Tim Harvey preaching the gospel: gospel-timh-june-22-2014
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: gospel-murraym-june-22-2014
Gospel June 15, 2014:
Tim McCandless preaching the gospel: gospel-timmcc-june-15-2014
Tyler Gillcash preaching the gospel: gospel-tylerg-june-15-2014
Gospel June 1, 2014:
Allen McCandless preaching the gospel: gospel-allenm-june-1-2014
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: gospel-murraym-june-1-2014
Gospel May 25, 2014:
Shawn Price preaching the gospel: gospel-shawnp-may-25-2014
Trevor McClelland preaching the gospel: gospel-trevorm-may-25-2014
Ministry May 25, 2014:
Tim McCandless speaking in ministry: ministry-timm-may-25-2014
Gospel April 27, 2014:
Joel Leger telling how he was saved: gospel-joelL-apr-27-2014
John Meekin preaching the gospel: gospel-johnm-apr-27-2014
Gospel April 13, 2014:
Normand Thibodeau preaching the gospel: gospel-normt-apr-13-2014
David Beckett preaching the gospel: Gospel-davidb-apr-13-2014
Gospel April 6, 2014:
Tyler Gillcash preaching the gospel: gospel-tylerg-apr-6-2014
Trevor McClelland preaching the gospel: gospel-trevorm-apr-6-2013
Gospel March 23, 2014:
Allen McCandless preaching the gospel: gospel-allenm-mar-23-2014
Ministry March 20, 2014:
Matthew Cain speaking in ministry: ministry-matthew-cain-mar-20-2014
Gospel March 16, 2014:
Technical difficulties. Recording not available.
Gospel Mar 9, 2014:
David Beckett preaching the gospel: Gospel-DavidB-march-9-2014
Jim MacIntosh preaching the gospel: gospel-jim-mac-mar-9-2014
Gospel Feb 23, 2014:
Richard Cormier telling how he was saved: gospel-richc-feb-23-2014
Trevor McClelland preaching the gospel: gospel-trevorm-feb-23-2014
Ministry Feb 23, 2014:
Normand Thibodeau sepaking in Ministry: ministry-normt-feb-23-2014
Gospel Feb 9, 2014:
Tyler Gillcash preaching the gospel: gospel-tylerg-feb-9-2014
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: gospel-murraym-feb-9-2014
Gospel Feb 2, 2014:
Allen McCandless preaching the gospel: gospel-allenm-feb-2-2014
Lukas McKnight preaching the gospel: gospel-lukasm-feb-2-2014
Gospel Days Meeting Jan 26, 2014:
Marcel LaSalle telling how he was saved: gospel-marcell-jan-26-2014
Matthew Cain preaching the gospel: gospel-mattc-jan-26-2014
Ministry Days Meeting Jan 26, 2014:
Matthew Cain speaking in ministry: ministry-mattcain-daysmtg-jan-2014
James McClelland speaking in ministry: ministry-jamesmcc-daysmtg-jan-2014
Murray McCandless speaking in ministry: ministry-murraymcc-days-mtg-jan-2014
David Hierlihy speaking in ministry: ministry-davidh-days-mtg-jan-2014
Gospel Meeting Jan 19, 2014:
Vince Jones telling how he was saved: gospel-vincej-jan-19-2014
Jim MacIntosh preaching the gospel: gospel-jimmac-jan-19-2014
Gospel Meeting Jan 12, 2014:
Joe Potter preaching the gospel: gospel-joep-jan-12-2014
Dieter Ruebeling preaching the gospel: gospel-dieterR-jan-12-2014
Gospel Meeting Jan 5, 2014:
Trevor McClelland preaching the gospel: gospel-trevorm-jan-5-2014
Normand Thibodeau preaching the gospel: gospel-normt-jan-5-2014
Gospel Meeting December 1, 2013:
Tim McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-TimM-Dec-1-2013
Lukas McKnight preaching the gospel: Gospel-LukasM-Dec-1-2013
Gospel Meeting November 24, 2013:
Allen McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-AllenM-Nov-24-2013
Trevor McClelland preaching the gospel: Gospel-TrevorM-Nov-24-2013
Ministry Meeting November 24, 2013:
Allen McCandless speaking in ministry: Ministry-AllenM-Nov-24-2013
Gospel Meeting November 17, 2013:
Joe Potter preaching the gospel: gospel-joeP-nov-17-2013
Jim MacIntosh preaching the gospel: gospel-jimMac-nov-17-2013
Dr. Higgins Ministry Series on Marriage:
Tuesday, Nov 12, 2013:
Wednesday Nov 13, 2013:
Thursday Nov 14, 2013 (updated to include missing portion):
Friday Nov 15, 2013:
Recording missed. Sorry.
Gospel Nov 10, 2013:
Wade Amero preaching the gospel: Gospel-Wade-Amero-Nov-10-2013
Anthony Amero preaching the gospel: Gospel-Anthony-Amero-Nov-10-2013
Gospel Nov 3, 2013:
Normand Thibodeau preaching the gospel: Gospel-NormanT-Nov-3-2013
Shawn Price preaching the gospel: Gospel-ShawnP-Nov-3-2013
Gospel Oct 27, 2013:
Trevor McCelland preaching the gospel: Gospel-TrevorM-oct-27-2013
Allen McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-AllenM-Oct-27-2013
Ministry Oct 27, 2013:
Joseph Potter speaking in ministry: Ministry-JoeP-Oct-27-2013
Gospel Meeting Oct 20, 2013:
Tim McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-TimM-Oct-20-2013
David Beckett preaching the gospel: Gospel-DavidB-Oct-20-2013
Conference Prayer Meeting Message Oct 4, 2013:
David Alves speaking in ministry: Ministry-Conf-Prayer-2013
Ministry Thursday Oct 3, 2013:
David Alves speaking in ministry: Ministry-DavidA-Oct-3-2013
Gospel Sept 29, 2013:
Shawn Price preaching the gospel: Gospel-ShawnP-Sept-29-2013
Allen McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-AllenM-Sept-29-2013
Ministry Sept 29, 2013:
David Beckett speaking in ministry: Ministry-DavidB-Sept-29-2013
Gospel Sept 22, 2013:
Joseph Potter preaching the gospel: Gospel-JoeP-Sept-22-2013
Jim MacIntosh preaching the gospel: Gospel-Jim-MacIntosh-Sept-22-2013
Ministry Sept 19 2013:
Eric Fowler speaking in ministry: Ministry-E-Fowler-Sept-19-2013
Gospel Sept 1, 2013:
Allen McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-AllenM-Sept-1-2013
Matt Reed telling how he was saved: Gospel-MattR-Sept-1-2013
Gospel Aug 25, 2013:
Tim McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-TimM-aug-25-2013
Trevor McClelland preaching the gospel: Gospel-TrevorM-aug-25-2013
Ministry Aug 25, 2013:
Trevor McClelland speaking in ministry: Ministry_TrevorM-aug-25-2013
Gospel Aug 18, 2013:
Wade Amero preaching the gospel: Gospel-WadeA-Aug-18-2013
Anthony Amero preaching the gospel: Gospel-AnthonyA-Aug-18-2013
Gospel Aug 11, 2013:
Darryl Pratt preaching the gospel: Gospel-Darryl-Pratt-aug-11-2013
Paul Potter preaching the gospel: Gospel-PaulP-Aug-11-2013
Gospel July 20, 2013:
David Procopio preaching in the gospel: Gospel-DavidP-july-20-2013
Don Bartlett preaching the gospel: Gospel-DonB-july-20-2013
Gospel July 14, 2013:
Mitchell Frith preaching the gospel: Gospel-MitchF-July-14-2013
Shawn Price preaching the gospel: Gospel-ShawnP-July-14-2013
Ministry July 4, 2013:
Walter Gustafson speaking in ministry: Ministry-WalterG-July-4-2013
Ministry June 27, 2013:
Matthew Cain speaking in ministry: Ministry-MatthewC-June-27-2013
Gospel June 23, 2013:
Tyler Gillcash preaching the gospel: Gospel-TylerG-June-23-2013
Richard Cormier preaching the gospel: Gospel-RichardC-June-23-2013
Gospel June 16, 2013:
Tim McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-Tim-McC-June-16-2013
Chris Miner telling how he was saved: Gospel-Chris-Miner-June-16-2013
Gospel June 9, 2013:
Lukas McKnight telling how he was saved: Gospel-LukasM-June-9-2013
Ministry May 26:
Jim MacIntosh speaking in Ministry: Ministry-JimMac-May-26-2013
Gospel June 2, 2013:
Jim MacIntosh telling how he was saved: Gospel-JimMac-june-2-2013
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-MurrayM-June-2-2013
Gospel May 26, 2013:
Trevor McClelland preaching the gospel: Gospel-TrevorM-May26-2013
Norman Thibodeau preaching the gospel: Gospel-NormT-May-26-2013
Gospel May 12, 2013:
Stirling Boulter preaching the gospel: Gospel-Stirling-Boulter-May-13-2013
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-MurrayM-May-12-2013
Gospel May 5, 2013:
Richard Cormier preaching the gospel: Gospel-RichardC-May-5-2013
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-Murray-McC-May-5-2013
Gospel April 28, 2013:
Tim McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-TimM-Apr-28-2013
Peter Ramsay preaching the gospel: Gospel-PeterR-Apr-28-2013
Ministry April 25, 2013:
Stephen Vance speaking in ministry: Ministry-StephenV-Apr-25-2013
Gospel April 21, 2013:
Allen McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-AllenM-April-21-2013
Joseph Potter preaching the gospel: Gospel-JoeP-Apr-21-2013
Ministry Thursday, April 18, 2013:
Brody Thibodeau speaking in ministry: Ministry-BrodyT-Apr-18-2013
Gospel Sunday, April 7, 2013:
Trevor McClelland preaching the gospel: Gospel-TrevorM-apr-7-2013
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-MurrayM-Apr-7-2013
Gospel Sunday, March 24, 2013:
David Beckett preaching the gospel: Gospel-DavidB-Mar-24-2013
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-MurrayM-Mar-24-2013
Gospel Sunday, March 17, 2013:
Richard Cormier preaching the gospel: Gospel-RichardC-Mar-17-2013
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-MurrayM-Mar-17-2013
Gospel Sunday, March 10, 2013:
Shawn Price preaching the gospel: Gospel-Shawn-Price-mar-10-2013
Trevor McClelland preaching the gospel: Gospel-TrevorM-mar-10-2013
Gospel Sunday, February 24, 2013:
Lukas MacKnight preaching the gospel: Gospel-LukasM-Feb-24-2013
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-MurrayM-Feb-24-2013
Ministry Sunday, February 24, 2013:
Shawn St Clair speaking in ministry: Ministry-Shawn-St-Clair-feb-24-2013
Ministry Friday, February 22, 2013:
Shawn St Clair speaking in ministry (Headship): Ministry-Shawn-St-Clair-feb-22-2013
Ministry Thursday, February 21, 2013:
Shawn St Clair Speaking in ministry: Ministry-Shawn-St-Clair-feb-21-2013
Ministry Wednesday, February 20, 2013:
Shawn St Clair speaking in ministry: Ministry-Shawn-St-Clair-february-20-2013
Ministry Monday, February 18, 2013:
Shawn St Clair speaking in ministry: Ministry-Shawn-St-Clair-feb-18-2013
Day’s Meeting February 10, 2013
Murray McCandless speaking in ministry: Ministry-MurrayM-feb-10-2013
Shawn St Clair speaking in ministry: Ministry-Shawn-St-Clair-feb-10-2013
Jeff Marney speaking in ministry: Ministry-Jeff-Marney-feb-10-2013
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-MurrayM-feb-10-2013
Shawn St Clair preaching the gospel: Gospel-Shawn-St-Clair-feb-10-2013
Gospel February 6, 2013:
Tim McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-timM-feb-6-2013
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-MurrayM-Feb-6-2013
Gospel January 27, 2013:
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: gospel-murraym-jan-27-2013
David Hierlihy preaching the gospel: Gospel-DavidH-jan-27-2013
Gospel January 20, 2013:
Levi Wells preaching the gospel: Gospel-LeviW-January-20-2013
Allen McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-AllenM-Jan-20-2013
Gospel January 13, 2013:
David Beckett preaching the gospel: Gospel-DavidB-Jan-13-2013
Joseph Potter preaching the gospel: Gospel-JoeP-Jan-13-2013
Gospel January 6, 2013:
Richard Cormier preaching the gospel: Gospel-RichC-January-6-2013
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-MurrayM-January-6-2013
Gospel Nov 25, 2012:
Levi Wells preaching the gospel: Gospel-LeviW-Nov-25-2012
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-MurrayM-Nov-25-2012
Ministry Nov 25, 2012:
Richard Cormier speaking in ministry: Ministry-RickC-Nov-25-2012
Gospel Nov 18, 2012:
Allen McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-AllenM-Nov-18-2012
Trevor McClelland preaching the gospel: Gospel-TrevorM-Nov-18-2012
Gospel Nov 11, 2012:
David Beckett preaching the gospel: Gospel-DavidB-Nov-11-2012
Jim Stuart preaching the gospel: Gospel-Jim-Stuart-Nov-11-2012
Gospel Nov 4, 2012:
Shawn Price preaching the gospel: Gospel-Shawn-P-Nov-4-2012
Jim MacIntosh preaching the gospel: Gospel-Jim-M-Nov-4-2012
Gospel Oct 28, 2012:
Joseph Potter preaching the gospel: Gospel-JoeP-Oct-28-2012
Normand Thibodeau preaching the gospel: Gospel-NormT-Oct-28-2012
Ministry Oct 28, 2012:
Tim McCandless speaking in ministry: Ministry-TimM-Oct-28-2012
Conference Sept 29-30 (Mp3 format)
Saturday Morning:
Saturday Afternoon:
Saturday Gospel:
Sunday Afternoon:
Gospel Oct 21, 2012:
Richard Cormier preaching the gospel: Gospel-RichC-Oct-21-2012
Trevor McClelland preaching the gospel: Gospel-TrevorM-Oct-21-2012
Gospel Oct 14, 2012:
Tim McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-Tim-McC-Oct-14-2012
Allen McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-Allen-McC-Oct-14-2012
Ministry Conference Prayer Meeting Sept. 28, 2012:
Michael Penfold speaking in ministry: Ministry-Conf-Prayer-2012
Gospel Sep 23, 2012:
Richard Cormier preaching the gospel: Gospel-RichardC-Sep-23-2012
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-MurrayM-Sep-23-2012
Ministry Aug 26, 2012:
Murray Mcleoad speaking in ministry: Ministry-Murray-Mcleod-Aug-26-2012
Gospel July 8, 2012:
Tim Harvey preaching the gospel: Gospel-TimH-July-8-2012
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-MurrayM-July-8-2012
Ministry July 5, 2012:
Walter Gustafson speaking in ministry: Ministry-WalterG-July-5-2012
Gospel July 1, 2012:
Mark Carlyle preaching the gospel: Gospel-MarkC-July-1-2012
David Kember preaching the gospel: Gospel-DavidK-July-1-2012
Gospel June 24, 2012:
Richard Cormier preaching the gospel: Gospel-RichC-June-24-2012
Joe Potter preaching the gospel: Gospel-JoeP-June-24-2012
Gospel June 17, 2012:
Michael Dennison preaching the gospel: Gospel-MikeD-June-17-2012
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-MurrayM-June-17-2012
Gospel June 10, 2012:
Vince Jones preaching the gospel: Gospel-Vince-Jones-June-10-2012
Trevor McClelland preaching the gospel: Gospel-TrevorM-june-10-20121
Gospel June 3, 2012:
Sterling Boulter preaching the gospel: Gospel-Sterling-Boulter-June-3-2012
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-Murray-McC-june-3-2012
Gospel May 27, 2012:
Andre Sampson telling how he was saved: Gospel-Andre-Sampson-May-27-2012
Allen McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-Allen-McC-May-27-2012
Ministry May 27, 2012:
Trevor McClelland speaking in ministry: Ministry-Trevor-M-May-27-2012
Gospel May 13, 2012:
Normand Thibodeau preaching the gospel: Gospel-NormT-May-13-2012
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-Murray-McC-May-13-2012
Gospel May 6, 2012:
Richard Cormier preaching the gospel: Gospel-Rich-C-May-6-2012
Shawn Price preaching the gospel: Gospel-Shawn-P-May-6-2012
Gospel April 29, 2012:
Trevor McClelland telling how he was saved: Gospel-TrevorM-Apr-29-2012
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-MurrayM-Apr-29-2012
Gospel April 22, 2012:
Dieter Ruebeling telling how he was saved: Gospel-Dieter-R-Apr-22-2012
Tim McCandless telling how he was saved: Gospel-Tim-McC-Apr-22-2012
Gospel April 15, 2012:
Allen McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel_AllenMcC-Apr-15-2012
Joseph Potter preaching the gospel: Gospel-JoeP-Apr-15-2012
Gospel April 2, 2012:
Richard Cormier preaching the gospel: Gospel-Rich-C-Apr-2-2012
Normand Thibodeau preaching the gospel: Gospel-NormT-Apr-2-2012
Gospel March 25, 2012:
Trevor McClelland preaching the gospel: Gospel-TrevorM-Mar-25-2012
Shawn Price telling how he was saved: Gospel-Shawn-P-March-25-2012
Ministry March 25, 2012:
Allen McCandless speaking in ministry: Ministry-Allen-M-March-25-2012
Gospel March 18, 2012:
Tim McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-Tim-McC-Mar-18-2012
Anthony Amero preaching the gospel: Gospel-A-Amero-Mar-18-2012
Ministry March 16, 2012:
Scott MacLeod speaking in ministry: Ministry-ScottM-Mar-16-2012
Ministry March 14, 2012:
Scott MacLeod speaking in ministry: Ministry-ScottM-March-14-2012
Ministry March 13, 2012:
Scott MacLeod speaking in ministry: Ministry-ScottM-March-13-2012
Ministry March 12, 2012:
Scott MacLeod speaking in ministry: Ministry-ScottM-Mar-12-2012
Gospel March 11, 2012:
Duncan Beckett preaching the gospel: Gospel-Duncan-B-Mar-11-2012
Scott MacLeod preaching the gospel: Gospel-Scottm-Mar-11-2012
Ministry March 11, 2012:
Scott MacLeod speaking in ministry: Ministry-ScottM-Mar-11-2012
Ministry Feb 26, 2013:
Normand Thibodeau speaking in ministry: Ministry-NormT-Feb-26-2012
Days Meeting Ministry Feb 12, 2012:
The following individuals spoke during the annual afternoon days meeting. They are listed below in the order in which they spake.
Matthew Cain : Ministry_MattC-Feb-12-2012
James McClelland: Ministry-JamesM-Feb-12-2012
David McClelland: Ministry-DavidM-Feb-12-2012
Daryll Raynor: Ministry-DaryllR-Feb-12-2012
Gospel Feb 5, 2012:
Shawn Price preaching the gospel: Gospel-Shawn-P-Feb-5-2012
Jim MacIntosh preaching the gospel: Gospel-Jim-M-Feb-5-2012
Gospel Jan 29, 2012:
Joseph Potter preaching the gospel: Gospel-Joe-P-Jan-29-2012
Mark Miner telling how he was saved: Gospel-Mark-M-Jan-29-2012
Gospel Jan 29, 2012:
Joseph Potter speaking in ministry: Ministry-Joe-P-Jan-29-2012
Gospel Jan 22, 2012:
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-Murray-McC-Jan-22-2012
Brody Thibodeau preaching the gospel: Gospel-Brody-T-Jan-22-2012
Gospel Jan 8, 2012:
Tim McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-Tim-McC-Jan-8-2012
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-Murray-McC-Jan-8-2012
Gospel Dec 4, 2011:
Tim McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-Tim-McC-Dec-4-2011
David Beckett preaching the gospel: Gospel-David-B-Dec-4-2011
Ministry Nov 27, 2011:
Jim MacIntosh speaking in ministry: Ministry-Jim-M-Nov-27-2011
Gospel Nov 27, 2011:
Shawn Price preaching the gospel: Gospel-Shawn-P-Nov-27-2011
Gospel Nov 20, 2011:
Vince Jones preaching the gospel: Gospel-Vince-Jones-Nov-20-2011
Normand Thibodeau preaching the gospel: Gospel-Norman-T-Nov-20-2011
Gospel Nov 13, 2011
Allen McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-Allen-M-Nov-13-2011
Joseph Potter preaching the gospel: Gospel-JoeP-Nov-13-2011
Gospel Nov 6, 2011:
Jim MacIntosh preaching the gospel: Gospel-Jim-Mac-Nov-6-2011
Anthony Amero preaching the gospel: Gospel-Anthony-Amero-Nov-6-2011
Gospel Oct 30, 2011:
Trevor McClelland preaching the gospel: Gospel-Trevor-M-Oct-30-2011
David Beckett preaching the gospel: Gospel-David-B-Oct-30-2011
Ministry Oct 30, 2011:
Richard Cormier speaking in ministry: Ministry-Richard-C-Oct-30-2011
Gospel Oct 23, 2011:
Normand Thibodeau preaching the gospel: Gospel-Norm-T-Oct-23-2011
Shawn Price preaching the gospel: Gospel-Shawn-P-Oct-23-2011
Gospel Oct 16, 2011:
Tim McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-Tim-McC-Oct-16-2011
Richard cormier preaching the gospel: Gospel-Rich-Cormier-Oct-16-2011
Gospel Oct 9, 2011:
Allen McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-Allen-McC-Oct-9-2011
Jim MacIntosh preaching the gospel: Gospel-Jim-M-Oct-9-2011
Gospel Sept 25, 2011:
Trevor McClelland preaching the gospel: Gospel-Trevor-McC-Sept-25-2011
Normand Thibodeau preaching the gospel: Gospel-Normand-T-Sept-25-2011
Ministry Sept 25, 2011:
Tim McCandless speaking in ministry: Ministry-Tim-McC-Sept-25-2011
Gospel Sept 11, 2011:
Tim McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-Tim-McC-Sep-11-2011
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-Murray-McC-sept-11-2011
Gospel August 28, 2011:
Wade Amero telling how he was saved: Gospel-Wade-Amero-Aug-28-2011
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-Murray-McC-Aug-28-2011
Ministry August 28, 2011:
Allen McCandless speaking in Ministry: Ministry-Allen-McC-Aug-28-2011
Gospel July 10, 2011:
Michael Dennison telling how he was saved: Gospel-MichaelD-July-10-2011
Dan Harvey preaching the gospel: Gospel-DanH-July-10-2011
Gospel July 3, 2011:
Mike VanMill preaching the gospel: Gospel-MikeVM-July-3-2011
Terry Hurd preaching the gospel: Gospel-Terry-Hurd-july-3-2011
Ministry June 30, 2011:
Walter Gustafson speaking in ministry: Ministry-WalterG-June-30-2011
Gospel June 26, 2011:
Timothy Harvey preaching the gospel: Gospel-Timothy-Harvey-June-26-2011
David Beckett preaching the gospel: Gospel-DavidB-June-26-2011
Ministry June 26, 2011:
Normand Thibodeau speaking in ministry: Ministry-Norm-T-June-26-2011
Gospel June 19, 2011:
Shawn Price preaching the gospel: Gospel-Shawn-P-June-19-2011
Allen McCandless preaching the gospel Generic Cialis: Gospel-Allen-M-June-19-2011
Gospel June 12, 2011:
Joe Potter preaching the gospel: Gospel-JoeP-June-12-2011
Normand Thibodeau preaching the gospel: Gospel-NormT-June-12-2011
Gospel June 5, 2011:
Reuben Stewart preaching the gospel: Gospel-Reuben_S-June-5-2011
Murray McLeod preaching the gospel: Gospel-Murray-Mcleod-June-5-2011
Ministry June 2, 2011:
Murray Mcleod speaking in Ministry: Ministry-Murray-Mcleod-June-2-2011
Gospel May 29, 2011:
Trevor McClelland preaching the gospel: Gospel-Trevor-M-May-29-2011
Tim McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-Tim-McC-May-29-2011
Ministry May 29, 2011:
Trevor McClelland speaking on Ps 84: Ministry-Trevor-M-May-29-2011
Ministry May 13, 2011:
Jim Allen speaking in ministry: Ministry-Jim-Allen-May-13-2011
Gospel May 15, 2011:
Shawn Price preaching the gospel: Gospel-Shawn-Price-May-15-2011
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-Murray-M-May-15-2011
Gospel May 1, 2011:
Brody Thibodeau preaching the gospel: Gospel-Brody-T-May-1-2011
Matthew Cain preaching the gospel: Gospel-Matt-Cain-May-1-2011
Gospel April 17, 2011:
Reuben Stewart preaching the gospel: Gospel-Reuben-S-Apr-17-2011
Joseph Potter preaching the gospel: Gospel-Joseph-P-April-17-2011
Gospel April 10, 2011:
David Beckett preaching the gospel: Gospel-DavidB-Apr-10-2011
Trevor McClelland preaching the gospel: Gospel-Trevor-M-Apr-10-2011
Gospel April 3, 2011:
Shawn Price preaching the gospel: Gospel-Shawn-P-Apr-3-2011
Jim MacIntosh preaching the gospel: Gospel-Jim-Mac-Apr-3-2011
Ministry March 27, 2011:
Joseph Potter speaking in ministry: Ministry-JoeP-Mar-27-2011
Gospel March 27, 2011:
Tim McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-Tim-McC-Mar-27-2011
Allen McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-Allen-McC-Mar-27-2011
Gospel March 20, 2011:
Norman Thibodeau preaching the gospel: Gospel-Norm-T-March-20-2011
David Beckett preaching the gospel: Gospel-David-B-March-20-2011
Gospel Mar 13, 2011:
Vincent Jones preaching the gospel: Gospel-Vince-Jones-Mar-13-2011
Joseph Potter preaching the gospel: Gospel-JoeP-Mar-13-2011
Gospel Feb 27, 2011:
Shawn Price preaching the gospel: Gospel-Shawn-P-Feb-27-2011
Allen McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-Allen-M-Feb-27-2011
Ministry Feb 27, 2011:
Jim MacIntosh speaking on the crowns in scripture: Ministry-Jim-Mac-Feb-27-2011
Gospel Feb 22, 2011:
Tim McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-Tim-McC-Feb-20-2011
David Beckett preaching the gospel: Gospel-David-B-feb-20-2011
Gospel Feb 13, 2011:
Peter Ramsay preaching the gospel: Gospel-Peter-R
Jon Procopio preaching the gospel: Gospel-Jon-P
Afternoon Ministry, Days Meeting, Feb 13, 2011
Afternoon Ministry:
Shawn St Clair speaking in ministry: Ministry-Shawn-St-Clair
Matthew Cain speaking in ministry: Ministry-Matt-Cain
Peter Ramsay speaking in ministry: Ministry-Peter-R
Jon Procopio speaking in ministry: Ministry-Jon-P
Gospel Feb 6, 2011:
Reuben Stewart preaching the gospel: Gospel-Reuben-S-feb-6-2011
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-Murray-M-Feb-6-2011
Gospel Jan 30, 2011:
John Meekin Preaching the gospel: Gospel-John-M-Jan-30-2011
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-Murray-McC-Jan-30-2011
Special Ministry Meetings John Meekin:
Sunday, Jan 23 The commencement and progress of the NT Church: Ministry-John-M-Jan-23-2011
Monday, Jan 24 The characteristics and privileges of the NT Church: Ministry-John-M-Jan-24-2011
Wednesday, Jan 26 The conduct and practices of the NT Church: Ministry-John-M-Jan-26-2011
Friday, Jan 28 The conflicts and problems of the NT Church: Ministry-John-M-Jan-28-2011
Sunday, Jan 30 The controlling presence in the NT Church: Ministry-John-M-Jan-30-2011
Gospel Jan 23, 2011
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-Murray-M-Jan-23-2011
John Meekin preaching the gospel: Gospel-John-M-Jan-23-2011
Gospel Jan 9, 2011
Normand T preaching the gospel: Gospel-Norman-T-Jan-9-2011
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-Murray-M-Jan-9-2011
Gospel Jan 2, 2011
Allen McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-Allen-M-Jan-2-2011
Trevor McClelland preaching the gospel: Gospel-Trevor-M-Jan-2-2011
Gospel Dec 26, 2010
Mike VanMill preaching the gospel and telling his Testimony: Gospel-Mike-VanMill-Dec-26-2010
David Beckett preaching the gospel: Gospel-DavidB-Dec-26-2010
Gospel Dec 19, 2010
Tim McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-Tim-McC-Dec-19-2010
Jim MacIntosh preaching the gospel: Gospel-Jim-Mac-Dec-19-2010
Gospel Dec 12, 2010
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-Murray-McC-Dec-12-2010
Shawn St Clair preaching the gospel: Gospel-Shawn-St.Clair-Dec-12-2010
Gospel Dec 5, 2010
Richard Cormier preaching the gospel: Gospel-Richard-C-Dec-5-2010
Joseph Potter preaching the gospel: Gospel-Joe-P-Dec-5-2010
Gospel Nov 28, 2010
Reuben Steward preaching the gospel: Gospel-Reuben-S-Nov-28-2010
Allen McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-Allen-M-Nov-28-2010
Ministry Nov 28, 2010
Tim McCandless speaking in ministry: Ministry-Tim-M-Nov-28-2010
Gospel Nov 21, 2010
Norman Thibodeau preaching the gospel: Gospel-Norm-T-Nov-21-2010
Shawn Price preaching the gospel: Gospel-Shawn-P-Nov-21-2010
Ministry John Grant Mp3 format:
Gospel Sunday, Nov 14, 2010:
David Beckett preaching the gospel: Gospel-David-B-Nov-14-2010
Duncan Beckett preaching the gospel: Gospel-Duncan-B-Nov-14-2010
Gospel Sunday, Nov 7, 2010:
Tim McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-Tim-McC-Nov-7-2010
Murray McLeod preaching the gospel: Gospel-Murray-McLeod-Nov-7-2010
Ministry Friday, Oct 29, 2010:
Michael Penfold speaking in ministry: Ministry-Michael-P-oct-29-2010
Ministry Thursday, Oct 28, 2010:
Michael Penfold speaking in ministry: Ministry-Michael-P-oct-28-2010
Gospel Meeting Oct 17, 2010:
Reuben Stewart preaching the gospel: Gospel-Reuben-Stewart-Oct-17-2010
Trevor McClelland preaching the gospel: Gospel-Trevor-M-Oct-17-2010
Ministry John Grant – Subject Matthew’s Gospel
John Grant speaking in ministry Thursday, Oct 14: Ministry-John-Grant-Oct-14-2010
John Grant speaking in ministry Wednesday, Oct 13: Ministry-John-Grant-Oct-13-2010
John Grant speaking in ministry Tuesday, Oct 12: Ministry-John-Grant-Oct-12-2010
John Grant speaking in ministry Monday, Oct 11: Ministry-John-Grant-Oct-11-2010
Gospel Meeting Oct 10, 2010
Duncan Dunsire preaching the gospel: Gospel-Duncan-Dunsire-Oct-10-2010
Alex Dryborough preaching the gospel: Gospel-Alex-Dryborough-Oct-10-2010
Ministry Sussex Conference prayer meeting:
Jack Hay spoke briefly on Isaiah 53: Conf-Prayer-Mtg-2010-message
All other conference recordings were handled by Steve Cassidy from PEI.
Ministry Sept 26, 2010
Murray McCandless speaking in ministry: Ministry-Murray-McC-Sept-26-2010
Gospel, Sept 19, 2010
Shawn Price preaching the gospel: Gospel-Shawn-Price-Sept-19-2010
Ben Kember preaching the gospel: Gospel-Ben-Kember-Sept-19-2010
Gospel, Sept 12, 2010
Joe Potter preaching the gospel: Gospel-Joseph-P-Sept-12-2010
Norman Thibodeau telling how he was saved: Gospel-Norman-T-Sept-12-2010
Gospel, Sept 5, 2010
Vince Jones preaching the gospel: Gospel-Vince-Jones-Sept-5-2010
David Beckett preaching the gospel: Gospel-David-B-Sept-5-2010
Gospel Aug 29, 2010
Paul Potter preaching the gospel: Gospel-Paul-Potter-Aug-29-2010
Anthony Amero also preached the gospel clear and plain, unfortunately we had a recording malfunction.
Ministry Aug 29, 2010
Allen McCandless speaking in ministry: Ministry-Allen-McC-Aug-29-2010
Gospel Aug 22, 2010
Richard Cormier preaching the gospel: Gospel-R-Cormier-Aug-22-2010
Tim McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-Tim-McC-Aug-22-2010
Gospel Aug 15, 2010
Paul Ussher telling how he was saved: Gospel-Paul-Ussher-Aug-15-2010
Allen McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-Allen-M-Aug-15-2010
Gospel Aug 8, 2010
Jim MacIntosh preaching the gospel: Gospel-Jim-Mac-Aug-8-2010
David Beckett preaching the gospel: Gospel-David B-Aug-8-2010
Gospel Aug 1, 2010
Trevor McClelland preaching the gospel: Gospel-Trevor-M-Aug-1-2010
Dan Harvey preaching the gospel: Gospel-Dan-Harvey-Aug-1-2010
Ministry, July 25, 2010
Dan Harvey speaking in ministry: Ministry-Dan-H-july-25-2010
Gospel, July 25, 2010
Josh Morine telling how he was saved: Gospel-Josh-Morine-July-25-2010
Dan Harvey preaching the gospel: Gospel-Dan-Harvey-July-25-2010
Gospel July 4, 2010 (late posting it sorry):
Bill Morrison telling how he was saved: Gospel-Bill-Morrison-July-4-2010
Waltar Gustafson preaching the gospel: Gospel-Waltar-G-July-4-2010
Gospel, July 18, 2010
Ben Kember telling how he was saved: Gospel-Ben-Kember-July-18-2010
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-Murray-Mcc-July-18-2010
Gospel, July 11, 2010
Troy Thomas preaching the gospel: Gospel-Troy-Thomas-July-11-2010
Gospel June 27, 2010
Gordon McLeod preaching the gospel: Gospel-Gordon-McLeod-June-27-2010
Stirling Boulter preaching the gospel: Gospel-Stirling-Boulter-June-27-2010
Ministry June 27, 2010
David Beckett speaking in ministry: Ministry-DavidB-June-27-2010
Gospel June 20, 2010
Timothy Harvey telling how he was saved: Gospel-Timothy-Harvey-June-20-2010
Dan Harvey preaching the gospel: Gospel-Dan-Harvey-June-20-2010
Gospel June 13, 2010
Shawn Price preaching the gospel: Gospel-Shawn-Price-june-13-2010
Tim McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel-Tim-Mcc-june-13-2010
Ministry May 30, 2010
David Hierlihy speaking in Ministry: Ministry David H May-30-2010
Gospel May 16, 2010
Joseph Potter preaching the gospel: Gospel Joe P May 16 2010
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel Murray McC May-16-2010
Ministry May 13, 2010
Noel Burden speaking in Ministry: Ministry Noel Burden May 13 2010
Gospel May 9, 2010
Lukas McKnight preaching the gospel: Gospel LukasM May-9-2010
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel Murray McC May-9-2010
Gospel May 2, 2010
Trevor McClelland preaching the gospel: gospel-trevor-mcc-may-2-2010
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: gospel-murray-mcc-may-2-2010
Gospel April 18, 2010
Joseph Potter preaching the gospel: gospel-joe-p-april-18-2010
Jim MacIntosh preaching the gospel: gospel-jim-mac-april-18-2010
Gospel Mar 21, 2010
Allen McCandless preaching the gospel: gospel-AllenM-mar-21-2010
Tim McCandless preaching the gospel: gospel-TimM-mar-21-2010
Gospel Mar 14, 2010:
Reuben Stewart preaching the gospel: Gospel-ReubenS-Mar-14-2010
Trevor McCelland preaching the gospel: Gospel-TrevorM-Mar-14-2010
Gospel Mar 7, 2010:
Lukas MacKnight preaching the gospel: gospel-LukasM-mar-7-2010
Jim MacIntosh preaching the gospel: gospel-JimM-mar-7-2010
Gospel Feb 28, 2010:
Don Carlyle telling how he was saved: gospel-Don-Carlyle-feb-28-2010
Joseph Potter preaching the gospel: gospel-JoeP-feb-28-2010
Ministry Feb 28, 2010:
Trevor McClelland speaking on Forgiveness: ministry-trevm-feb-28-2010
Gospel, Feb 21, 2010:
Richard Cormier telling how he was saved: gospel-rich-cormier-feb-21-2010
David Beckett telling how he was saved: gospel-davidb-feb-21-2010
Gospel, Days Meeting Feb 14, 2010
Scott MacLeod preaching the gospel: gospel-scott-macleod-feb-14-2010
James McClelland preaching the gospel: gospel-james-mcclelland-feb-14-2010
Ministry Days Meeting Feb 14, 2010
Ministry by Shawn St. Clair: daysmtg-shawn-stclair
Ministry by Scott MacLeod: daysmtg-scott-macleod
Ministry by Matthew Cain: daysmtg-matthew-cain
Ministry by James McClelland: daysmtg-james-mcclelland
Gospel, February 7, 2010
Murray McCandless telling how he was saved: gospel-murray-mcc-feb-7-2010
Allen McCandless preaching the gospel: gospel-allen-mcc-feb-7-2010
Gospel, January 31, 2010
Grant Tedford telling how he was saved: gospel-grant-tedford-jan-31-2010
Tim McCandless preaching the gospel: gospel-tim-mcc-jan-31-2010
Ministry, January 31, 2010
Allen McCandless speaking on “Our Father who sees in secret”: ministry-allen-mcc-jan-31-2010
Gospel, January 24, 2010
Tyler Gillcash telling how God saved him: gospel-tyler-gillcash-testamony-jan-24-2010
Dan Harvey preaching the gospel: gospel-dan-harvey-jan-24-2010
Ministry, Jan 24, 2010
Dan Harvey preaching in Ministry:ministry-dan-harvey-jan-24-2010
Report, Jan 22, 2010
Dan Harvey Report Meeting: ministry-dan-harvey-report-jan-22-2010
Ministry, Jan 21, 2010
Dan Harvey speaking on “House of God” in 1Timothy: ministry-dan-harvey-jan-21-2010
Ministry, Jan 20, 2010
Dan Harvey speaking on Trials and Temptations: ministry-dan-harvey-jan-20-2010
Ministry Jan 19, 2010
Dan Harvey speaking on “Callings” in 1Peter: ministry-dan-harvey-jan-19-2010
Gospel, Jan 17, 2010
Dan Harvey preaching the gospel: gospel-dan-harvey-jan-17-2010
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: gospel-murray-mcc-jan-17-2010
Ministry, Jan 17, 2010
Dan Harvey speaking in ministry: ministry-dan-harvey-jan-17-2010
Gospel, Jan 10, 2010
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: gospel-murray-mcc-jan-10-2010
Dan Harvey preaching the gospel: gospel-dan-harvey-jan-10-2010
Ministry, Jan 10, 2010
Dan Harvey speaking in ministry: ministry-dan-harvey-jan-10-2010
Jim Beattie “seat of the unlearned”: ministry-jim-beattie-seat-of-unlearned
Gospel, Dec 6, 2009
David Hierlihy preaching the gospel: Gospel-David-H-Dec-6-2009
Peter Ramsay preaching the gospel: Gospel-PeterR-Dec-6-2009
Gospel, Nov 29, 2009
Peter Ramsay preaching the gospel: Gospel-Peter-R-Nov-29-2009
David Hierlihy preaching the gospel: Gospel-David-H-Nov-29-2009
Ministry Sunday, Nov 29, 2009
Peter Ramsay spoke in Ministry: Ministry-Peter-R-Nov-29-2009
Gospel, Nov 22, 2009
David Hierlihy preaching the gospel: gospel-David-H-nov-22-2009
Peter Ramsay preaching the gospel: gospel-PeterR-nov-22-2009
Gospel, Nov 15, 2009
Joseph Potter preaching the gospel: Gospel-Joe-Potter-Nov-15-2009
David Hierlihy preaching the gospel: Gospel-David-H-Nov-15-2009
Gospel, Nov 13, 2009
Lukas McKnight told how he was saved. Click on this link to go to the page that has his testamony: Lukas McKnight’s Testimony
Gospel, Nov 8, 2009
Trevor McClelland preaching the gospel: gospel-trevor-m-nov-8-2009
David Hierlihy preaching the gospel: gospel-david-h-nov-8-2009
Gospel, Nov 1, 2009
Peter Ramsay preaching the gospel: Gospel-PeterR-Nov-1-09
David Hierlihy preaching the gospel: gospel-david-h-nov-1-2009
Gospel, Oct 25, 2009
David Hierlihy preaching the gospel: Gospel-davidh-oct-25-09
Peter Ramsay preaching the gospel: Gospel-PeterR-oct-25-09
Gospel, Oct 19, 2009
Allen McCandless preaching the gospel: Gospel Allen M -oct-18-09
David Beckett preaching the gospel: Gospel David B-Oct-18-09
Ministry, Sept 27, 2009
Joseph Potter speaking on getting away from the Lord: ministry-joe-potter-sept-27-09
Gospel, Sept 27, 2009
Norman Thibodeau preaching the gospel: gospel-normant-sept-27-09
Tim McCandless preaching the gospel: gospel-tim-mcc-sept-27-09
Gospel, Sept 20, 2009
Trevor McClelland preaching the gospel: gospel-trevorm-sept-20-09
Murray McCandless preaching the gospel: gospel-murraym-sept-20-09
Gospel, Sept 13, 2009
Troy Thomas preaching the gospel: gospel-troy-t-sept-13-09
Gordon Mcleod preaching the gospel: gospel-gordon-mcleod-sept-13-09
Gospel, Sept 6, 2009
Vince Jones preaching the gospel: gospel-vince-jones-sept-6-09
Allen McCandless preaching the gospel: gospel-allen-mcc-sept-6-09
Gospel, August 30, 2009
Joe Potter speaking in the gospel: gospel-joe-potter-aug-30-09
Shawn Sinclair speaking in the gospel: gospel-shawn-sinclair-aug-30-09
Ministry, August 30, 2009
Shawn Sinclair speaking on the glories of Christ: ministry-shawn-sinclair-aug-30-09
Ministry, August 27, 2009
Eric Fowler spoke in Ministry on Famines: ministry-eric-fowler-aug-27-09
Gospel Meeting, August 23, 2009
Duncan Beckett preaching the gospel gospel-duncan-b-aug-23-09
Stephen Joyce preaching the gospel gospel-stephen-joyce-aug-23-09
Report Meeting, August 20, 2009
Duncan Beckett giving a report on the work in Obergon, Mexico: duncan-b-report-aug-2009
Gospel, Sunday, Aug 16, 2009
Shawn Price preaching the gospel: gospel-shawn-p-aug-16-09
Jim MacIntosh preaching the gospel: gospel-jim-mac-aug-16-09
Gospel, Sunday, Aug 9, 2009
Stephen Baine preaching the gospel: gospel-stephen-baine-aug-9-09
David Beckett preaching the gospel: gospel-david-b-aug-9-09
Gospel, Sunday, Aug 2, 2009
Richard Cormier preaching the gospel: gospel-richardc-aug-2-09
Wade Amero preaching the gospel: gospel-wade-amero-aug-2-09
Gospel, Sunday, July 26, 2009
Norman Thibodeau… sorry technical difficulties on this recording.
Allen McCandless preaching the gospel: gospel-allen-mcc-july-26-09
Gospel, Sunday, July 19, 2009
Trevor McClelland speaking the gospel: gospel-trevor-m-july-19-09
Tim McCandless speaking the gospel: gospel-tim-mcc-july-19-09
Ministry, Sunday, July 12, 2009
Mat Ministry-TrevorM Oct 27 2019
Gospel, Sunday, July 12, 2009
Murray McCandless speaking the gospel: gospel-murray-mcc-july-12-09
Matthew Cain speaking the gospel: gospel-matt-cain-july-12-09
Gospel, Sunday, July 5, 2009
Jim MacIntosh speaking the gospel: gospel-jim-mac-july-5-09
Waltar Gustafson speaking the gospel: gospel-waltar-g-july-5-09
Gospel, Sunday, June 28, 2009
Reuben Stewart telling how he was saved: gospel-reuben-stewart-jun-28-09
David Beckett speaking the gospel: gospel-davidb-june-28-09
Ministry, Sunday, June 28
Tim Mc